Know, Like, and Trust: The Two-Way Street You Haven’t Thought About

We hear it all the time: Build “Know, Like, and Trust” with your audience. Show up, be authentic, relatable, and eventually, people will know, like, and trust you enough to follow, engage, or buy from you. It’s marketing 101, right? And sure, it makes sense because establishing trust with your audience is crucial.

But here’s something you might not have considered: It’s a two-way street.

We’re always so focused on getting them to know, like, and trust us. But have you ever stopped to ask yourself if you know, like, and trust your audience?

Do You Really Know Your Audience?

Let’s get real. Do you actually know who your audience is beyond the surface-level interactions like the likes, the comments, the email addresses? What do they care about? What are they struggling with? If you don’t genuinely know who you’re speaking to, then you’re just guessing.

And trust me, they can feel it when you’re only focused on the numbers. They know when you’re more interested in their clicks and conversions than in truly understanding them. The truth is, you have to want to know your audience, not just for the metrics, but because they’re human beings who deserve to be seen and understood. Connection isn’t a strategy; it’s a relationship.

Do You Like Your Audience?

Yep, I said it. Do you actually like the people you’re building a community with? We get so caught up in chasing growth with more followers and more engagement that we forget to ask ourselves if we’re even building something we enjoy.

Are these the kind of people you want to serve, who align with your values and energy? Or are you trying to please everyone, and in the process, losing yourself? I’ve been there. I’ve tried to be everything to everyone, and it’s exhausting. It leaves you feeling disconnected, not just from yourself but from the very people you’re trying to connect with.

When you genuinely like your audience, showing up for them feels good. When you don’t, it becomes a draining task.

Do You Trust Your Audience?

Here’s the raw truth: If you don’t trust your audience, you’re going to feel like you’re performing all the time. You’ll second-guess every post and every story, wondering if they’ll bail the second you show a crack in your “perfect” persona.

But here’s the thing: if they’re really your people, they’re not going anywhere. They don’t need you to be perfect. They’re here for you, flaws and all. If you feel like you constantly have to prove your worth to them, that’s a sign something’s off.

Trust them enough to know they’re here for the right reasons. They’re not going to ghost you because you slipped up or had an off day.

The Honest Truth

It’s not just about your audience knowing, liking, and trusting you. It’s about whether you know, like, and trust them. Because if you don’t, you’ll end up feeling disconnected, overwhelmed, and maybe even resentful. And that’s no way to build a thriving community.

And look, I’ve been there. I’ve built communities only to realize halfway through that I wasn’t feeling connected to them. It felt off because I wasn’t being honest with myself about who I really wanted to show up for. When I finally got clear on that, everything shifted.

So, if you’re feeling a disconnect with your audience, it’s okay to pause. It’s okay to rethink how you’re building this. Your community should feel good for you too.

Because in the end, it’s not just about growth and numbers. It’s about building something that feels right on both sides, and that’s where the magic happens.

Struggling to Build a Connection With Your Audience?

If you're trying to build a connection with your audience and it feels tough, check out my podcast episode Being Authentic Doesn't Always Feel Good (Do It Anyway) where I dive into the uncomfortable truth about authenticity. Listen here.

Or if you're looking for an easy tool to help with email marketing (where I feel like I get to be my most real and honest self), I highly recommend using Flodesk. It’s been a game changer for me in building authentic relationships. And if you're ready to dive in, you can use my code for 50% off: Flodesk.

Janette Downie

Wedding, Elopement and Family Photographer based in Toronto, Ontario. Available for travel and destination.

Business Isn’t Life & Death